I don’t write because no one reads. No one reads because I don’t write.
Actually, it could also be that I’m lazy. I do love to write, I love to do a lot of things, but I often get caught up with something “new” and forgo everything else, and the cycle repeats until it emanates so much that I end up back at the original idea and get excited about it all over again.
I’ve been very busy, of course (who hasn’t?), and I’m really digging jQuery. So much so that I started helping around the jQuery Help boards and became a moderator. When I started posting there, I didn’t really know all that much about jQuery, but by simply looking into problems others were having I learned quite a lot. I’m pretty excited to write my first plug-in (have a few possible ideas), and I should be getting the new book I ordered soon; based on the early access PDF version, it looks pretty promising.
You’ll also see that I added a new category for jQuery to will start filling up as I put together more modular code examples and write plug-ins.
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