Customization is key, so when I had spent a considerable amount of time trying to disable editor resizing in CKEditor and kept coming up blank, it started to get frustrating. Here we have a pretty solid editor coupled with a pretty solid lack of documentation – reminds me a bit of Magento! To their credit, it’s still extremely new and they are working on documentation for it. That aside, I managed to stumble across a post on their forum that led me in the right direction.
Open up ckeditor/config.js and put the following code in there.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function( config ){ config.resize_enabled=false;}; |
If you want to keep resizing enabled but adjust the minimum width, use the following code instead.
CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function( config ){// Sizes are in pixels config.resize_minWidth=550;// config.resize_maxWidth = 700;// config.resize_minHeight = 200;// config.resize_maxHeight = 500;}; |
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