Mike Branski

3 minute read

Hey guys (and gals)! Over the coming weeks I will be rolling out a selection of my digital works for sale as prints in my new Etsy shop! As such, I’m going to do my best to not spam everyone with ZOMG GO BUY MY STUFF!!1 links. I’m going to be promoting my pieces as new ones get listed, but I’m going to try to keep it mixed in between the everyday content you’re used to seeing in my Twitter, Facebook, etc, streams. To help facilitate this, I’ve created a Facebook artist page titled Left Right Designs (LRD), which, going forward, will be where I post more and more of my creative and store-related work, with the occasional mentions in my personal feeds.

Left Right Designs

A few notes about Left Right Designs… I started LRD in 2005 during a semester of college as a creative outlet for my digital work; at the time this was exclusively for my web work. I was posting my photography to a different site, which in turn was different than my blog. Over the years I came to realize I never updated any of them because I didn’t always know where to put something. So, I merged my photography and blog into one, and let LRD die out over time.

Naming Conflict

Coming back to now, I recently decided I wanted to start selling my creative works online, starting with my photography and eventually branching out into things like graphic designs, illustrations, posters, t-shirts, etc. This left me with a conundrum. While I was previously doing my photography and sporadic freelance web development under my personal name, having a Facebook profile and artist page titled “Mike Branski” seemed a little weird. I also didn’t want to come across as that guy that thinks so highly of himself that he feels he needs his own fan page. At the same time, I didn’t want to be spamming my friends with stuff about my works for sale if they really didn’t want to hear about it.  So, today, the day the domain was set to expire, I renewed LeftRightDesigns.com and set it to redirect to my Facebook page.

What Does This Mean?

Well, it simply means I’m going to try to walk that line between personal and business life, but, my creative works are greatly influenced by, and are a reflection of, who I am as a person, so there can never be a hard separation. I’m going to talk about my stuff for sale through my personal avenues, and you’re going to see my personality and aspects of my life come through my creative pieces. Indeed, this is how I believe it should be.  So there’s going to be some crossover, and that may annoy some people, but it is what it is, and now you know why.

It also means I’m going to become more decisive, so allow me to introduce to you Mike D. Branski. Instead of fretting about where I should post something (personal or Left Right Designs), sometimes I’ll post to both, giving them different spins by relating them to the audience who will be viewing each. Or I might just post to one or the other. But what I don’t want is to not post something at all, like I did for so many years.

Enter Left Right Designs by Mike Branski. Sit down, get comfy, and enjoy the show.

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