
Mike Branski

3 minute read

Note: Initially this post was titled ‘Relearning JavaScript’, but as I started writing it I decided to first touch on the broader picture before diving in to specific topics.

Mike Branski

2 minute read

At the risk of overstating the obvious, being sick sucks. My stomach had been rumbling since the weekend, and while I tried blaming it on eating some non-paleo foods while we were camping, I didn’t start feeling better as I my diet returned to normal (and in reflection I actually didn’t eat bad at all!). Taking to my colleague today all but confirmed I simply have a case of the stomach flu, as she recounted her less than favorable weekend feeling like crap.

Mike Branski

3 minute read

Earlier today I was talking with Ian during our usual lunch time outing when he told me he it was about time one of the two elevators in his condo building was finally working again. The one had been non-operational for a spell and they had finally repaired it. Leading up to this, that particular elevator would groan, creak, and otherwise make unpleasant and unsettling sounds during its use. When I left Ian’s place today, I had a 50% chance of getting that elevator when I called one up from the…

Mike Branski

2 minute read

Last fall Mel and I started doing a Biggest Loser weight loss challenge with some friends. Mel’s pretty skinny to begin with, and I’m not grossly overweight, but we both had some pounds we wanted to shed. It started out great – we were both losing a little bit at a time, but the progress was definite. Then, as could be expected when making lifestyle changes, we both dropped off and kind of plateaued. Hourray for sticking with things! ಠ_ಠ

Mike Branski

5 minute read

This afternoon Wisconsin saw its first real snow of the season. We had some dustings a few weeks back, but nothing that stuck. The snow doesn’t bother me too much, for the most part. It can be inconvenient, sure, but I make do, and don’t really mind it. Today, though, I could have done without it.

Mike Branski

1 minute read

Whew, this week certainly flew by. Although it didn’t feel like it as it was happening, it doesn’t seem like tomorrow should be Friday already. The past 24-36 hours I’ve found myself struggling to focus a bit – even more so than usual. A sore throat and occasional headache that are riding a cold can do that, though.

Mike Branski

2 minute read

You see? This is the why Facebook birthday wishes are little more than empty husks of what was once a kind and generous act: wishing someone a happy day of celebration on the day they were born. It’s become such a mindless, effortless task that we do it with hardly a thought for what we’re doing and what it used to mean. We see it’s someone’s birthday, and we wish them a happy one. Have you talked to that person since the last time you wished them a happy birthday? No? Does it matter? Nope! At…

Mike Branski

3 minute read

Initially I just sent this to my good friend and fitness coach, but, I figured, why not toss it up here with some thoughts as well? This was the first weekend of my renewed serious get healthy plan. I’ve talked about eating better before, but, the truth is, I really like to eat! So it’s been tough. I’ve recently been able to admit to myself that, not only do I need to stay conscious about the foods I eat, but, since I like to eat, and, especially, bake (hello, Kitchenaid mixer), I also need to…