
Mike Branski

3 minute read

Last week’s post was a little weak, so today I want to talk about something I’m exploring: adding imagery to my articles. (It is worth noting I have set up a slew of new, recurring calendar entries to assist with my writing schedule instead of wasting until the last minute like I’ve been doing.) I go back and forth on this, but whenever I share one of my posts and it either pulls the wrong image, or none at all, I can’t help but feel it’s lacking something.

Mike Branski

3 minute read

When you first meet somebody, you start forming an opinion of them before they say hello. Clothes, hair, eyes, age, movement, body language - each of these things and dozens more quickly add up to an initial impression that happens over the span of a few breaths.

Mike Branski

5 minute read

Being a person of many hats, it is a very real challenge to make any headway in my various interests for a sustained amount of time. The truth is, I often find myself not wearing any hat at all! I then rekindle my excitement for one or more projects, and the cycle begins anew, until I am back to not being focused on anything in particular.

Mike Branski

3 minute read

What a whirlwind of a month! These past 30 some days have been pretty crazy and moving at light speed. Last month, about mid-way through my novel, I started to really slow down. I decided I’d write a blog post to jump-start my creative juices before each writing session. Well, that lasted all of two posts. While it helped warm up my literary muscles, it also delayed my noveling by another 20-30 minutes. Given that I wouldn’t typically start writing until after 7:00 or 8:00 at night, and was…

Mike Branski

2 minute read

Holy crap, did anyone see October? I swear, it was just September, then I blinked, and suddenly Halloween has come and gone without much ado, the first snow has fallen, and we’re 12 days into November. I’m going to have to ask Katie if she’s figured out when October is so I can be better prepared next year.